Explore the #1 Water Filter for Clear Skin

Dermatologist approved. Clinically tested. Loved by over 200,000+ users.

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Why filters?
All Skincare Starts With Water
No matter how awesome the product you're using, most of it goes to waste if you cleanse your face with water full of contaminants like chlorine, chloramine, and heavy metals.

But with FilterBaby? We remove 99% of those impurities. Get clear skin by tackling the basics - clean water.
Join 200,000+ That CHANGED

Diane, 32

"Have been using for 3 months and have noticed a huge difference in breakouts and less dryness. I highly recommend!"

Zulaidia, 31

"After so many years of fighting against acne and acneiform dermatitis, I can say that I have managed to recover my skin's health to 80% in two weeks thanks to this filter. I'm so grateful for this product."

Elizabeth, 28

"I used to suffer from acne, redness, and dry skin. I noticed my skin was less dry and my skincare products would absorb better on my face after the first wash. It's now been a few months and I’ve seen such a big improvement!"

Jennifer, 27

"I have an acne prone skin and I use active products to keep it at bay but my experience so far of using this product for 2 months is that it has made me realize that it really helps to make your skincare products work effectively!"

Jenna, 31

"My symptoms literally resolved overnight. My skin is glowing, it naturally retains moisture so it no longer overproduces oil. I was breaking out daily with acne, and now I have a small blemish surface every 2 weeks or so."

Kharis, 27

"Redness, itchiness, completely gone. I haven't had blemish-free skin like this since middle school!"

Best at Removing Chlorine and Chloramine

Our skin, especially facial skin, is highly sensitive and absorbs more chemicals than any other part of our body. That’s why we developed the world’s most effective and powerful faucet filter, capable of removing 99.9% of the Chlorine, Chloramine and countless other contaminants that are harmful to skin. No other faucet or shower filter even comes close.

20+ NSF Certifications
100% Fit Guarantee
Great for Skin Health
60 Day Risk Free

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